
RouteFiltersGroupSettings Interface

Defines the settings for configuring a RouteFiltersGroup, which manages the synchronization between form-based filters and the current route’s query and route parameters.

This interface extends RouteGroupSettings and provides additional configuration options specific to filter controls, allowing customization of how the form controls interact with the route parameters and how their values are processed

@template Q extends Index = object
The type representing the query params of the route

@template P extends Index = object
The type representing the params of the route


interface RouteFiltersGroupSettings<Q extends Index = object, P extends Index = object>
  extends RouteGroupSettings<Q, P> {
  controlsFlow?: (form: FormGroup<FilterControls<Q & P>>) => Observable<Partial<Q & P>>;
  controlOperators?: ControlOperators<Partial<Q & P>>;
  onControlChange?: (form: FormGroup<FilterControls<Q & P>>,
    controlName: keyof (Q & P), data: Partial<Q & P>) => void;
  withoutRoute?: boolean;


import {debounceTime} from 'rxjs';
import {routeFiltersGroup} from '@bitfiber/ng/rx';
// Provides a route filters group configured with specific settings
const routeFilters = routeFiltersGroup<{page: number; search: string}, {id: number; type: string}>({
  initialParams: {id: 0, type: 'all'},
  initialQueryParams: {page: 1, search: ''},
  segments: params => [params.type,],
  controlOperators: {search: [debounceTime(150)]},
  onControlChange: ({controls}, key) => (key !== 'page' &&,
  hasFragment: true,