routeGroup Function

Creates a new RouteGroup instance that facilitates the reactive management of Angular’s route data, including params, query params, and the fragment, within the current route.

Route elements are represented as signal states, making them usable in Angular’s reactive constructs such as effect or computed functions, and other places where signals are typically used.

The properties of the generic types Q and P can be any type because, before being set to the route, they are converted to strings using JSON.stringify. When states receive parameters from the route, they are converted back to their respective types using JSON.parse.

This function also allows for an optional onInit callback, which can be used to perform additional setup or configuration just before the group initialization

@template Q extends Index = object
The type representing the query params of the route

@template P extends Index = object
The type representing the params of the route

@param settings: RouteGroupSettings<Q, P>
The settings for configuring a RouteGroup

@param onInit?: (group: RouteGroup<Q, P>, sameGroup: RouteGroup<Q, P>) => void
An optional callback function executed just before the group initialization

@returns RouteGroup<Q, P>

See also: RouteGroupSettings


function routeGroup<Q extends Index = object, P extends Index = object>(
  settings: RouteGroupSettings<Q, P>,
  onInit?: (group: RouteGroup<Q, P>, sameGroup: RouteGroup<Q, P>) => void,
): RouteGroup<Q, P>;


import {computed} from '@angular/core';
import {switchMap} from 'rxjs';
import {emitter} from '@bitfiber/rx';
import {routeGroup} from '@bitfiber/ng/rx';
interface RouteParams {
  id: number;
  type: string;
interface RouteQueryParams {
  page: number;
  search: string;
  groupId: number | null;
// Creates a route group for managing route data
const route = routeGroup<RouteQueryParams, RouteParams>({
  initialParams: {id: 0, type: 'all'},
  initialQueryParams: {search: '', page: 1, groupId: null},
  segments: params => [params.type,],
  hasFragment: true,
}, ({params, queryParams, allParams, fragment}) => {
    // Defines a side effect for the route params change
    .tap(data => console.log(data));
    // Defines a side effect for the query params change
    .tap(data => console.log(data));
    // Defines a side effect for changes in either route or query params
    .tap(data => console.log(data));
    // Defines a side effect for fragment changes
    .tap(fragment => console.log(fragment));
// Creates an emitter for triggering the products loading process
const productsReq = emitter<RouteQueryParams & RouteParams>(e => e
  // Reloads products when route params are updated
  // Defines a side effect for the products loading process
  .effect(switchMap(params => productsService.getAll(params))));
// Computes a CSS class based on the route type
const typeClass = computed(() => `bf-${route.params().type}`);
// Initializes the group and all its items
// Updates the route params and their associated state
route.params.set({id: 2, type: 'new'});
// Updates the query params and their associated state
route.queryParams.update(state => ({...state, search: 'abc'}));
// Updates both params and query params in the route and their associated states
route.allParams.update(state => ({...state, type: 'old', search: 'abc'}));
// Updates the fragment in the route and its associated state
// Simultaneously updates all states and the route params, query params, and fragment
route.changeUrl({id: 2, type: 'new', search: 'abc'}, 'someFragment');
// Resets all states, params, query params, and fragment to their initial values
// Completes the group and all its items