RouteGroupSettings Interface
Defines the settings for configuring a RouteGroup
@template Q extends Index = object
The type representing the query params of the route
@template P extends Index = object
The type representing the params of the route
interface RouteGroupSettings<Q extends Index = object, P extends Index = object> {
initialParams?: P;
initialQueryParams?: Q;
excludedParams?: (keyof (Q & P))[];
segments?: (params: Record<keyof P, string>) => string[];
hasFragment?: boolean;
navigationExtras?: NavigationExtras;
import {routeGroup} from '@bitfiber/ng/rx';
// Provides a route group configured with specific settings
const route = routeGroup<{page: number; search: string}, {id: number; type: string}>({
initialParams: {id: 0, type: 'all'},
initialQueryParams: {search: '', page: 1},
excludedParams: ['page'],
segments: params => [params.type,],
hasFragment: true,
navigationExtras: {},