SignalState Class
Represents a core data container in the reactive store, responsible for maintaining and broadcasting data updates to multiple subscribers. Like emitters, the state can create and manage reactive streams to broadcast changes efficiently. It is designed to simplify state propagation and synchronization across stores or features, ensuring consistency. The state can also integrate seamlessly with other reactive sources like emitters, states, and observables.
The signal state provides the same functionality as the State.
Additionally, it behaves like an Angular signal, enabling its use in Angular’s effect
functions, as well as in other contexts where signals are typically used
@template T
The type of data managed and emitted by the state
class SignalState<T> extends AbstractState<T> {
readonly $: Observable<T>;
initialize(): this;
complete(): void;
manage(...operators: OperatorFunction<T, T>[]): this;
get(): T;
set(value: T): this;
update(updater: (state: T) => T): this;
reset(): this;
compareBy(comparison: Comparison): this;
connect(source: DataSource<T>): this;
useLazyEmission(): this;
useLazyEmissionOnce(): this;
select<I extends any[]>(...inputs: [...EmitterOrObservableTuple<I>, SpreadFn<I, T>]): this;
zip<I extends any[]>(...inputs: [...EmitterOrObservableTuple<I>, SpreadFn<I, T>]): this;
wait<I extends any[]>(...inputs: [...EmitterOrObservableTuple<I>, SpreadFn<I, T>]): this;
receive(...inputs: EmitterOrObservable<T>[]): this;
receive<I>(input: EmitterOrObservable<I>, reducer: (value: I, state: T) => T): this;
transmit(...outputs: (EmitterOrSubject<T> | EmitterOrSubject<void>)[]): this;
transmit<O>(output: AbstractState<O>, reducer: (value: T, state: O) => O): this;
transmit<O>(output: EmitterOrSubject<O>, reducer: (value: T) => O): this;
effect(...operators: OperatorFunction<any, any>[]): this;
tap(observer: Partial<Observer<T>>): this;
tap(next: (value: T) => void): this;
import {signalState} from '@bitfiber/ng/rx';
// Creates a state
const counter = signalState<number>(1);