
completeWith Function

Returns an RxJS operator that completes the subscriber when the provided trigger observable completes. Optionally, if withError is set to true, the subscriber will also complete if the trigger observable errors

@template T
The type of values emitted by the source observable

@param trigger: Observable<any>
An observable that can trigger the completion of the subscriber

@param withError?: boolean
If true, the subscriber will also complete when the trigger errors

@returns OperatorFunction<T, T>


function completeWith<T>(trigger: Observable<any>, withError?: boolean): OperatorFunction<T, T>;


import {of, map, delay, timeout, interval} from 'rxjs';
import {completeWith} from '@bitfiber/rx';
const trigger1$ = of(1).pipe(delay(400), timeout(500));
  complete: () => console.log('completed after the trigger completes'),
const trigger2$ = of(1).pipe(delay(200), map(() => {
  throw new Error('Some error');
.pipe(completeWith(trigger2$, true))
  complete: () => console.log('completed due to the trigger error'),