
asyncGroup Function

Creates a new AsyncGroup instance that manages the lifecycle of an asynchronous action, providing emitters for launching actions, handling success, dealing with failures, and managing the state of these actions.

This function also allows for an optional onInit callback, which can be used to perform additional setup or configuration just before the group initialization.

The fallback value is used as a default success value in case the asynchronous action fails, ensuring that the success emitter always returns a value

@template L
The type representing the data for the launch emitter

@template S
The type representing the data for the success emitter

@template F
The type representing the error data for the fail emitter

@param onInit?: (group: AsyncGroup<L, S, F>, sameGroup: AsyncGroup<L, S, F>) => void
An optional callback function executed just before the group initialization

@param fallbackValue?: S
An optional fallback value of type S that will be used as the default success value if the asynchronous action fails

@returns AsyncGroup<L, S, F>

See also: transmit


function asyncGroup<L, S, F>(
  onInit?: (group: AsyncGroup<L, S, F>, sameGroup: AsyncGroup<L, S, F>) => void,
  fallbackValue?: S,
): AsyncGroup<L, S, F>;


import {switchMap} from 'rxjs';
import {state, asyncGroup, transmit} from '@bitfiber/rx';
interface Product {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  price: number;
interface ProductsState {
  products: Product[];
  isLoading: boolean;
// Defines an async group for managing the products loading process
const productsReq = asyncGroup<number, Product[], Error>((group, {
  launch, success, fail, finish,
}) => {
    // Keeps cached data for 120 seconds, with a maximum entry count of 10
    .useCache(120, 10);
    // Performs an effect each time the launch emits new data
      switchMap(page => productsService.get(`api/products?page=${page}`)
        // 'transmit' operator takes either data or an error and transmits it to the `success`
        // or `fail` emitter of the group, respectively
    // Performs a tap callback each time the request succeeds
    .tap(data => console.log(data));
    // Performs a tap callback each time the request fails
    .tap(error => console.log(error));
    // Performs a tap callback each time the request either fails or succeeds
    .tap(() => console.log('Request has been finished'));
}, []);
// Provides the final state
const data = state<ProductsState>({products: [], isLoading: false}, s => s
  // Receives request success data
  .receive(productsReq.success, (products, state) => ({...state, products}))
  // Receives the request state
  .receive(productsReq.state, ({inProgress}, state) => ({...state, isLoading: inProgress}))
// Starts the products loading process