zip Method
Combines values from multiple emitters, states, or observables, applies a reducer function to these values, and emits the resulting value to all subscribers of this state.
The first emission occurs only after all values have been received from the sources, ensuring that the reducer function operates on a complete set of inputs. Subsequent emissions occur only when all sources emit new values, triggering the reducer function to recompute the result based on the latest values. Works similarly to the RxJs ‘zip’ operator
@param ...inputs: [...EmitterOrObservableTuple<I>, SpreadFn<I, T>]
A spread of emitters, states, or observables, followed by a reducer function. The reducer function
takes the latest values from each source as arguments and returns the value to be emitted
@returns this
The instance of the current state, allowing for method chaining
zip<I extends any[]>(...inputs: [...EmitterOrObservableTuple<I>, SpreadFn<I, T>]): this;
import {of} from 'rxjs';
import {emitter, state} from '@bitfiber/rx';
type Result = {launchId: number; data: string; count: number};
const launch = emitter<number>();
const data = state<string>(1);
const count$ = of(1);
const result = state<Result>({launchId: 0, data: '', count: 0}, s => s
// Selects data from all reactive sources and emits the result to its subscribers.
// Works similarly to the RxJs 'zip' operator
.zip(launch, data, count$, (launchId, data, count) => {
launchId, data, count