transmit Function
Transmits the result of the asynchronous action to the provided emitter or group, allowing success, failure, and completion actions or effects to be performed. It can also transmit to additional emitters for failure and finish actions or effects
@template L
The type representing the data for the launch emitter
@template S
The type representing the data for the success emitter
@template F
The type representing the error data for the fail emitter
@param emitterOrGroup: AbstractEmitter<S> | Subject<S> | AbstractAsyncGroup<L, S, F>
The primary emitter, state, subject, or async group that will receive the success data
@param failEmitter?: AbstractEmitter<F> | Subject<F> | null
An optional emitter, state, or subject that will emit the failure data after a failed action
@param finishEmitter?: AbstractEmitter<void> | Subject<void>
An optional emitter, state, or subject that will emit once the asynchronous action is completed,
either successfully or with a failure
@returns OperatorFunction<S, S>
An RxJS operator that transmits the data to the corresponding emitter
See also: asyncGroup
function transmit<L, S, F>(
emitterOrGroup: AbstractEmitter<S> | Subject<S> | AbstractAsyncGroup<L, S, F>,
failEmitter?: AbstractEmitter<F> | Subject<F> | null,
finishEmitter?: AbstractEmitter<void> | Subject<void>,
): OperatorFunction<S, S>;
import {switchMap} from 'rxjs';
import {transmit, emitter, asyncGroup} from '@bitfiber/rx';
// Provides a group of emitters for managing the products loading process
const productsReq = asyncGroup<number, Product[], Error>((group, {launch}) => {
// Performs an effect each time the launch emits new data
switchMap(page => productsService.get(`api/products?page=${page}`)
// 'transmit' operator takes either data or an error and transmits it to the `success`
// or `fail` emitter of the group, respectively
}, []);
// Custom emitters for the 'transmit' operator
const launch = emitter<number>();
const success = emitter<Product[]>();
const fail = emitter<Error>();
const finish = emitter<void>();
// Performs an effect each time the launch emits new data
switchMap(page => productsService.get(`api/products?page=${page}`)
// 'transmit' operator takes either data or an error and transmits it to the `success`
// or `fail` custom emitter, respectively
.pipe(transmit(success, fail, finish))),